Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Out with the old, in with the new.

Here it is. The blog I've wanted to make since... oh, August? September? I just couldn't think of a name for it until today. A Pretty Kettle of Fish was not my first choice... but all the other domain names were taken. No, I do not think fish are especially attractive when they're in a kettle. It just sort of popped into my mind when I found it (my mind, that is) empty of any other ideas. The domain name is here to stay, but I'm not sure if the title will be permanent (see poll on the sidebar).

Anyhow. I hope I'll see you around. :-)


  1. Oh lovely, I was just thinking the other day how lonely Hat Full of Hope looked. :P Hello hello!

  2. I would say Twas Brillig, but I swear I've heard that blog name used elsewhere.

  3. I love the layout...SO pretty! And I'm happy to hear you're starting to blog again! :D

  4. i voted for a pretty kettle of fish. bravo, by the way!
    auntie donna :)

  5. Idk about the blog title, I didn't really like the other two much, so I guess pretty kettle of fish? *shrugs*

    Lovely layout, I love the color scheme!
